If you're hoping to give the console commands a try but aren't sure how to get started, we've put together a complete guide for how the console works, along with all the most useful commands and items in the game. This console, while created to help devs with debugging, contains a ton of cheat codes players can use to spawn vehicles, items, crafting materials and more. As Subnautica: Below Zero is in early access, its command console is currently accessible by players. While Subnautica's standard game mode is certainly satisfying players, there are ways to add even more fun to the experience. Subnautica: Below Zero 's early access release kicked off January 30 adding an icy new chapter to the Subnautica story. It is crafted with the Habitat Builder.Want to try "Subnautica: Below Zero" console commands but aren't sure how to get started? Check out our guide to all the best crafting, vehicle and item spawning cheats and how to use them. The blueprint for this object can be acquired by scanning the Jukebox in the Delta Station.

In addition to music the player manually adds to the Jukebox, there are Jukebox Disks located around the world that will unlock music tracks for the Jukebox from various fan music tracks.

The game must be restarted for the Jukebox to recognize the files. OSX: Users/yourname/Music/Unknown Worlds/Subnautica Windows: %UserProfile%\Music\Unknown Worlds\Subnautica When built, one can insert music from their PC into the files of Below Zero, which in turn allows the Jukebox to play the applied music whenever the player desires.